The Leader Within - Stage 2
By building on the reflections, learning experiences and discussions from Stage 1, our Stage 2 course will continue to challenge your leadership skills. Whilst working through new exercises with the horses in the arena, delving further into your leadership style, your strengths and weaknesses and adding specific skills that leaders regularly find challenging we hope you enjoy the next step of your leadership journey with us.
Course Overview
On Stage 2 we:
- Learn to harness the resilience required to champion your role.
- Learn to be more assertive with staff, peers and senior leaders.
- Learn how to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in your working relationships.
- Learn to be more comfortable having those “difficult conversations”
- Learn the flexibility needed to manage a team of individuals.
- Learn to raise your leadership through personal development.
Day one:
Arrive, morning tea, introductions and updates. Recap from Stage 1
Arena Session 1
Video Analysis one
Gourmet lunch
Facilitation session: Leadership styles
Arena session 2
Video analysis two
Platter and drinks, finish

Day Two
Arrive, morning tea and overnight reflections. Introduction of 3 new principles, Delegation facilitation
Obstacle course in the arena
Video anlaysis three
Gourmet lunch
Obstacle course in the arena
Final facilitation: leadership challenge and takeaways
Platter and drinks, finish

Meat Our Team
Andrew Froggatt
Andrew’s career with horses spans 30 years since getting his first pony at age 10. His focus for the last 15 years has been working on the Lead the Way leadership courses, clients of which include; High
Performance Sport NZ, NZ Rugby, Downer Construction, ASB Bank, Wellington Zoo, Deloittes, Rabobank and many others. Alongside this he currently holds a racehorse training licence with 3 horse in training.

Sam Froggatt
Sam has always been passionate about horses. Her leadership experience started with a stint in the British Army for 5 years and ben followed up with various management positions in a variety of
industries including Hospitality, Tourism and Professional Services before joining Andrew to run Lead the Way.
Helen Down
Helen has founded two businesses of her own; Synthesis Marketing and Advisory Boards NZ. She ran Synthesis for 20+ years before its successful sale in 2020 and continues to operate Advisory Boards NZ in conjunction with her other governance roles. She joined The Alternative Board in 2024 as a Board Facilitator and Coach. With a rich background in leadership within multinational telecommunications corporations and active participation in New Zealand’s Chamber of Commerce networks, Helen brings a wealth of practical leadership experience. Her governance portfolio includes
board positions in the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce, several owner/operator businesses and a six-year term as an Independent Director, and Acting Chair of an NZX listed aged care company. As a Leadership Facilitator at Lead the Way, Helen combines her love of horses with her passion for strong and effective leadership.

- 2 days of experiential learning with horses
- Leadership faciliatator
- Equine coaches
- Post-course coaching session
- Full gourmet catering
- Course workbook
- Individual luxury accommodation
- Photos & videos
- Improved self awareness.
- Become a clearer communicator.
- Build better and longer lasting relationships with your clients.
- Learn the effect of your behaviour on others.
- Learn to project confidence and ‘walk your talk’.
- Explore the use of praise in the workplace.
- Understand the importance of personal ‘energy’, the effect it has on others and how to use it to advantage.
- Learn how to stay calm in high pressure situations.
- Return to work motivated and itching to make changes.
“It was really fantastic. A great lesson for all of us to learn about those body language signals were sending out without really realising” – Kirsten Patterson, NZ Rugby
“It was one of the best experiences I’ve been a part of. You leave with a lot more self awareness and I would encourage anyone to do it now! “ – Steve Hansen, All Black Coach
“Enlightening, challenging and utterly enjoyable.” – Mike Hesson, NZ Cricket Coach
“It took three hours to teach what would normally take three days in the classroom.” – Shaun Drylie, Chief Manager Branch Banking, ASB Bank
“He has been a manager for seventeen years. After the course, he was managing for the very first time…. It’s got the highest memory recall of any course we have done and these are senior managers who have been to some pretty fine institutions” – Grant Burney, HR Services Manager at KiwiRail
“The best experience I have had, I learnt more about myself in the last two days than I have in all the conferences put together” – Dayle Cheatley, Bike NZ Coach
“The whole day was fantastic, enjoyable and with well described takeaway lessons. An important management leadership lesson delivered with innovation that can be immediately identified and implemented within our workplace.” – Ross Barber, CYAF
- Do I need to have done The Leader Within – Stage 1 first?
Yes you do. Stage 2 is designed to build on skills and experiences from the first course.
Book your place now.